Welcome on board!!

Here what we should have activated you during your onboarding, if something miss please inform your Team Leader.

Stuff that we have to do

☐ Gmail

☐ Google Drive

☐ Slack

☐ Notion

☐ Specific Tool depending to team (es. Jira, Figma, Pipedrive, etc…)

☐ Dipendenti in cloud → check the procedure here **We use Dipendenti in cloud (DIC) to monitore your presence, requests and so on, but if you want to have an overview of your PTO balance check this file and try to keep it updated if you insert some requests in DIC

☐ Ticket Restaurant → check the procedure here

☐ Platform training → Andrea will explain you the main features of Aryel’s platform

☐ NDA to sign → you will receive the request by YouSign

☐ Delivery of business tools → if you have received the laptop fill the format with the information requested

Stuff that you have to read/do