With the tag <aryel-embed-light />, it will be possible to manually manage the embedded model's lighting. The lights will have to be inserted inside the tag <aryel-embed>. If you insert a light, it will overwrite the default lighting.

Default lights

If custom lights aren’t provided, 3 default lights will be added to the scene.

Type Position Color Intensity
Ambient #fff 2
Directional 3 3 7 #fff 0.6
Directional 3 -3 7 #fff 0.6

Custom lights

You can customize the lights by adding the shortcode of custom lights inside the aryel-embed tag.

<aryel-embed campaign="your-campaign-id">
    position="3 3 0"


This is the list of all the properties of the lights' embed viewer. Each property is a single attribute on the HTML tag. Check the Available for column to verify which property is available for each light type.

Property Description Type Available for Default
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e Light type. String all directional
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e The position of the light. Must be a 3D vector with three values (x y z). Vector3 directional, point, spot 0 0 5
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e The intensity of the light. Hex color all #fff
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e The color of the light. Number all 0.6
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e Distance covered by the light. Number point, spot 100
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e Enable shadow projected by the light. List of key value parameters divided by semi-column directional, point, spot mapSizeWidth: 512; mapSizeHeight: 512; cameraNear: 0.5; cameraFar: 0.5; cameraFov: 45; bias: 0; radius: 1;
https://aryelhq.notion.site/How-to-manage-Lights-e7df3c72c47946e0b653268c32c7799e Enable helper. If you specify a value for this attribute, the value will be the helper color. Attribute only directional, point, spot false