We didn't prepare this list before hiring the first persons, but when the team started to take the form we have noticed a pattern, something you might call cultural fit, good vibe, or whatever you want, but in short, we have grouped them into our mindset and now we're looking to find people that naturally own it.

If you are reading it means you are in the crew so we saw it in you:

Mad Hustle, Dope Soul

Mad Hustle, Dope Soul comes from American slang. The meaning of the phrase is tied to the streets, street culture, rap, as well as basketball. We're not criminals or drug dealers (right guys?!) but rocking the startup scene isn't far from making a name for itself in the ghetto. Hustle is tied to being sly, moving quickly, playing well, finding hacks to win in a hostile environment and with frugal resources. Having Mad Hustle is a step above the daily hustle. you are better than the competition coz you do anything really well.

Dope is used to describe something positive, nice, or friendly. So, dope describes something positive, and soul has a literal meaning. Dope Soul simply describes someone positive, or someone with a positive attitude.

Mad Hustle, Dope Soul is a positive saying that describes a good professional and a positive person. Mad Hustle refers to the person’s abilities, and Dope Soul describes their nature.